Thursday, December 31, 2009
Flip Fucking
Years ago I mentioned a former friend of mine ("Rug") who was a porn-star/escort/masseuse turned Marine Reservist and right-wing pundit who is currently 5 hours past his 15 minutes of fame. Well, in the early days of our friendship he was a big (and I mean BIG) bottom. I know this first hand as I fucked him once, which was pretty bad; all he wanted to do was sit on my dick and jack-off, but he was so big and muscular that I was essentially pinned to the bed and couldn't move until he finally came (I didn't). Anyway, about a decade later after he had moved to NYC and started to reinvent himself as a butch marine, he would tell me about the guys he was seeing and intentionally emphasize how HE was the one fucking THEM. Since he is a pathological liar (he later claimed to the world that he was really straight all along) I don't know if he really did "flip" or if it was just a ploy to get me interested in having sex with him again. As mentioned before, many bottoms do play that trick of "I'm really a total top, but I'd bottom for you just this once" to make the top feel "special". So, did he flip? I dunno. But I can't confirm it one way or another so it's moot.
I have noticed several guys online who have gone from bottoms to vers/Top. Steel is one example. Of course when he comes over, he knows he's gonna get fucked. But he has told me he likes to fuck as a top too. He just doesn't meet a lot of guys he's into doing it with (he's on the shorter side, and like I mentioned in the last post, it's about leverage). Steel has even pushed me to let him rim me once, which I let him do. I figured no harm/no foul since I do it to him everytime he's over. He was amazed that I had absolutely no reaction to it and didn't get hard at all. For me, it was like washing my hair; didn't feel good or bad, just indifferent to it. Whereas just the sight of Steel's ass, let alone his hole, would get me hard in seconds. Anyway, the bottom line is anyone waiting for me to flip fuck or bottom will most likely be pushing up daisy's before they hear "welllll....alright, just this once" from me. I'm not in an experimental stage of my life, I'm not remotely sexually aroused by the thought, and I'm financially well-off, which means I have no incentive to HAVE to do it under any circumstance. And since I don't do drugs and am not prone to narcolepsy, I really can't think of any situation in which it would/will happen. Is that clear enough?
Lastly, New Years. For those of you who are really wondering, my New Year's resolution is to stop shouting "Shake it, Don't break it!" so often (especially in the presence of nuns and epileptics). I've been hitting the gym pretty hard this week as the Saturday after New Year's is another underwear party and although I always say "this is my last one", I will be going cuz my abs look AWESOME. Unfortunately, no matter how much food, creatine and protein shakes I take these days, I just can't seem to gain any weight (this is the first Christmas I came home weighing LESS). I fear I may have plateau'd and am seriously thinking about seeing a trainer to help me out. I can't stand the thought of this, as I have "known" (in the biblical sense) many trainers in life and they have all been pretty much morons who I wouldn't trust with a vegetable garden, let alone anything my person. We'll see how it goes. So, whatever you decide to do, HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2010 will kick ASS!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Home again, Bone again...
As the hours wore on, I was getting more and more eager for them all to leave so I could get laid FAST. When someone finally suggested heading to a restaurant for a late dinner, I seconded and spurred the crowd on to pick a place far from my house. Then as everyone was leaving to head to the restaurant, I pulled one aunt aside and said, "You know, I probably shouldn't go. I'm feeling a bit jet-lagged." To which she squinted, "British Columbia is in the same time zone." I countered, "yeah, but with all the germs and whatnot circulating on the planes, I don't want to drive myself too hard tonite. You'll all have a better time without me." And with that, the last of the relatives were out of sight (and mind-- at least momentarily). My first instinct was to log onto Adam4adam, which I did. But I knew it would most likely be the regulars there, so I wanted to hedge my bets and do a craigslist ad. I was so desperate to get laid that I figured I'd settle on ANYONE who had a decent ass and was willing to get fucked (meaning some guy I'd rejected 100 times before on craigslist was most likely going to Disneyland tonite). Luckily, fate had MUCH better plans in store for me...

I got hit up by a 22 y/o kid who looks like a younger and light-skinned Cuba Gooding Jr (I'll call him Cuba). He had Cuba's ass, muscles, haircut and smile. The best part is, after my first email back to him (I like most normal people HATE email tag when trying to hook up) I left my number and he called immediately (No "let me see more pics of your dick" or "are you only into fucking?" or any other of a host of lame emails that craigslist users tend to bore me with). His voice was deep and masculine but young and he lives 5 minutes away and said he'd be over right after he showered. So, 1/2 hour later he came to my door and DAYUM! The first thing that hit me was how tall and muscular he was; probably 6'7" or so. This can be a challenge to me as I tend to like my height or smaller for leverage reasons. I led him to my boning-lair and flipped out my schlong, not having any clue as to what he was packing himself. His eyes widened and he knelt down and started sucking my cock. At the same time, he was undoing his shirt, belt and shoes, never letting my cock leave his mouth. I was kinda curious as to what this boy had between the legs so I tried to catch a glimpse--I saw something HUGE hanging down there...was it his dick or his belt? I thought I'd find out soon enough so I pulled him up off my cock and did my own eye-popping double take when I saw his HUGE elephant-trunk of an uncut 8 1/2" dick getting hard.

I soon had him bent over, the hole of his firm bubble-butt/ghetto onion lubed up with my spit and the long-ranger suited up and ready for a ride.

Knowing I had done my job, I pulled out of Cubas hole, washed up, brought him a washcloth and laid next to him to rest up. I was feeling pretty cocky and asked "Do you usually cum without touching yourself?" knowing the answer full well. "Nah. This is probably the second time it's ever happened" he replied, almost embarassed. "Ah..." I tried to mask my cockiness and self-promotion, "Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't. I guess it depends on the size of the dick and how the guy uses it to hit the right spot. You also have to know where it is." He smiled, "You were definitely hitting it." My cock was now at full attention AGAIN. "cool." I responded casually. "That's why I like missionary. I know you liked it on your stomach, but we should probably try it from behind a little longer now that your hole is stretched out. It just feels better the second time for the bottom." I was making this up, but really wanted to fuck him from behind and watch my dick slide in and out of him again. Without saying a word, Cuba turned around on the bed butts up for me. 10 minutes later we were both shooting our second load (this time he had to jack himself off while I was pumping him from behind).
When we were done, we made a plan to hook up again on Monday. But the punch line is the next morning (this morning) I couldn't get him out of my head and so I called him and said, "hey, I know you were supposed to come over tomorrow. But can I have some more now?" "yeah" he said. And from 10 to 2pm today we were fucking like 2 dogs in heat again. We both shot two loads each again, and to be honest it was very nice all 4 times, leverage notwithstanding. I'm wondering if he'll take it again tomorrow morning too.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Bronx Boning?
Now, speaking of "bruhthah's", here's my next boning entry: everyone who knows me (and if you've read my blog) understands I'm an equal opportunity bonemaster. Sure I'm more attracted to certain physical types, but it has no bearing on where in the world that person's geographic ancestral homeland is. It's all about the right attitude for me, which can come in any race. BUT, I have been noticing in the past few weeks that the hook-up site I most regularly use is getting really FOBBY, with over HALF the guys online being Asian. And while the long-ranger constantly reminds me that a bubble-butt is a bubble-butt, sometimes I personally need variety. So, I put an ad on craigslist, which is something I don't normally do. Why? Because no matter how specifically I state what I'm looking for in the ad, I always get the dregs emailing me saying things like, "I know this wasn't what you were looking for, but I'm a 67 y/o expert in prostate massage. I would love to test out my electric anal probe on you while tickling you with my feather boa as we both smoke crack. Can send pics in my next email." And this time was no exception. But I did get a few "nice" emails, culminating in my deciding on one in particular, and him coming over.

As you can see from his pics (cropped to protect the innocent : ) this guy was the epitome of a Mandingo; no other way to put it. He looked like Mean Joe Green circa 1976 (so I'll call him "Green"), was in his mid-30's, built like a brick shit-house, was a personal trainer (although he claims he hasn't actually worked out in about 6 months...BASTARD!! : ) had a ghetto-brand booty, AND of course a 9" cut dick flopping around. Add to this his slow southern drawl since he was originally from South Carolina and you get the picture of why he was so laughibly yet charmingly stereotypical. The sexual chemistry was definitely there for both of us; once I got his pants down, I saw his 9" dick stiffen, but never really stood upright, which happens a lot with guys with huge dicks. Although he was very masculine in demeanor, he let me turn him around, bend him over and dive face-first into his ass. He was face-down on the bed and used his huge hands to spread open his cheeks for me so I could get inside more. He did have that "funk" that a lot of black guys have (can't explain it, you either know what I'm talking about or not) but it was tolerable. I could tell by Green's moaning that he would let me do anything I wanted now, so I quickly suited up the long-ranger and tried to slide inside him. His hole puckered up pretty tight, so I grabbed his shoulder from behind and commanded, "open up or it's gonna hurt more if I have to shove it in". He gave a quick audible sigh of consent and used his hands to spread his cheeks wider and let me slide in. NICE! I wasn't a dick though, and eased my cock inside him until my balls finally rubbed against his. He kept saying, "You so big! Dayum! You deep in there!" I always get puzzled when guys with HUGE dicks comment on mine; yeah, I know I'm big, but this guy was fucking HUGE! But I appreciated it.
We started fucking slowly and rhythmically, but then Green started intentionally bucking and breaking my rhythm. I got the hint: I started getting really agressive. I pushed on top of him, put him in a half-nelson and started butt-slamming him whispering, "This how you like it? You want to get prison raped, bitch?" in his ear. He responded, "yeah, I want you to take it from me." I got all kinds of nasty with him, spanking his ass when he didn't do exactly what I said. I never wanted to cross the line and slap him around tho (I've done that before with other guys, and it doesn't do anything for me). Finally, I got him missionary and stared him right in the eye saying, "You're gonna let my dick use your hole like my own private pussy." His eyes widened and he asked, "you gon' nut?" and with that my cock exploded, shooting wave after wave as I jack-hammered his ass. After I was done, I looked down and unfortunately his dick was still hard with only pre-cum to show for it on his abs. Since my dick was still hard inside him, I asked, "you want to finish up?" He answered, "yeeah. But it take me awhile." So, I pulled out, washed up, we had some post-coital chit-chat (the whole time he wouldn't take his hand off my dick) then quicker than you can say "rinse-lather-repeat" I was back inside him for round 2. This time he finally got off just as I was shooting my second load missionary.
All in all, nice guy. He lives in SF though and can't host. So, we'll see if he comes back down this way (he emailed me after he got home and said how great that was and how he wanted more). Which brings me full circle: back to yesterday, after the interview in SF, I went to ANOTHER guys house who I'd been talking to online for awhile (also black, but while cut/toned like crazy, he was much smaller in all respects, and young: about 22). When I showed up, he had a 30-something so-so looking white guy there and had been messing around with. Long story short, I ended up fucking the black kid while he sucked the white dude. The white dude had a very flabby ass which didn't turn me on at all, so I didn't even bother with him. And that's that.
So, one more reminder: anyone with any NYC suggestions for this weekend, please send them my way.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Joining the ranks of the employed
Nowhere is this more clear than hooking up with Norseman. He came over for a 3rd time last night and although we had planned to "chill" and just watch movies or something equivalent to a date, of course we ended up having very hot sex. He's definitely "opening up" to me more and doing and saying things in bed that are pretty much what ever hot-blooded top likes: a lot of fuck-me's, good moaning, telling me what he likes and how good I'm doing, using his butt-hole muscles when necessary etc. So far, everytime he's come over I get off at least two rounds in his ass (the first and second I got 3, but the last time I was a bit tired). AND, this is the part I LOVE: he likes to get fucked AFTER he cums. I love this so much, because I don't have to time anything. He cums when he wants, and I get to cum whenever I want. It's a win-win. I really don't like the feeling of being rushed or having to race to see who can finish first, since the other guy will immediately want to stop. My only complaint is that because he is getting more familiar with me, he's also getting more fem at times. Not flaming necessarily, but definitely that Manhattan gay snobbery I mentioned earlier. No one I'd feel comfortable introducing to my straight friends. So, unfortunately as well, I think we will not advance beyond the "fuck bud" stage of our relationship.
Anyway, back to the job situation. While I accepted this job offer, I am still entertaining 2 more in earnest. One of them will be flying me to NYC this next week for an interview. I also realize this is the exact pattern that happened 2 years ago. I guess history is once more repeating itself again another time.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
So long, Sailor
When I did return from PV, I called and left him a msg saying I was around and how I wanted to hear all about his trip. No answer. I emailed him later the week; also no response. Then I remembered we were friends on Facebook--but not anymore when I checked. I thought something was seriously up, so I blocked my number and called him the next day. He answered. I said, "Hey "squid". How's it going? Welcome back from Mexico." He was taken aback, almost annoyed, "hey. Yeah. thanks." I persisted in a normal tone, "well, man. I saw we're not friends on facebook anymore. Just wanted to see if you fell off the face of the earth or what." Squid responded coldly, "Nope. Just getting ready to head out now." Then hung up.
OK, I'm not stupid. I do realize he is in an "Open Relationship" where the rules, however maleable, tend to be that each person can hook up with whomever they want just so as the other isn't involved or finds out. So, I figured it must be some kind of drama like that. But at the same time, I thought maybe I had done something or said something to piss Squid off at some point. I thought since he hadn't at least emailed me or called me just to say, "hey, having issues with my boyfriend now so won't be able to talk for awhile." or whatever then it must have been something personal with me. After all, we had known each other for over 10 years now. I thought we were actually more than just fuck-buds, but friends.
The other night, I finally got a call from him around 9pm, which went like this;
Squid: "hey, sorry I haven't been able to talk lately."
ME: "yeah, I was wondering what was up with you."
Squid: "yeah, I had some drama with my b/f. He started getting really jealous. So, I've had to cool it for awhile. (laughing) I've learned not to mix my sex life with my homelife."
ME: "Glad you learned a valuable lesson."
Squid: "So, my b/f left for Mexico yesterday. Are you at home now?"
ME: Sure am. great place to be. Nice talking to you.
And that was that. Regardless of the drama in his life, it really pissed me off that he couldn't take 2 minutes to send a freakin' email to that effect. I had to wait 2 months to hear his lame excuse, and weak attempt to "make up" by offering me a booty-call now that his boyfriend happens to be out of town and he's lonely. And maybe it's because I now have such an awesome "substitute" bubble-butt white ass (and 10 years younger I might add) in Norseman, I really feel nothing about cutting Squid off completely. His loss. And with that, here is my final pictoral homage to the piece-of-ass that was Squid:

Monday, December 7, 2009
So Cal/ So-So
O.L. himself was not doing well at all; he was recently released from the hospital for alcohol poisoning. Apparently, through a series of bad mistakes and judgement he lost his fortune, house, social life and most notably, his looks. When he talked, his eyes shifted nervously and he shook constantly (maybe from alcohol withdrawl, or maybe he was also very nervous to meet me in person). I bought him dinner and he told me all about what had happened to my ex and why the intervention had failed etc. Then he went inot his own details that I just mentioned. At first I felt extremely sorry for him, but the more he talked, the more I could sense he was a really shallow and self-centered person. Only now, lacking wealth, prestige and looks, noone really gave a fuck. He kept bemoaning his situation talking about, "how low I've sunk" over and over, specifically about where he lived in Silverlake and what a "shit-hole" it was. Well, the fact is I used to live 2 blocks from his place when I came back to the US in the mid-90's (Lucile Ave). Silverlake/Echo Park hasn't changed at all. And I can thank God that I no longer live there. I'm sorry for O.L., but all I can hope for is that this is some cosmic lesson in humility that he needs to learn and overcome in order to move on to the next stage of his life. As for my ex, it is now evident to me that he is a lost cause, and I also thank God that he never got an opportunity to take me down with him.
Phase 2 of my trip was much better. Back in the mid-90's as a lad just getting my bearings in life, I met a guy who I'll call "Underdawg" at the gym. He was a trainer at 24-hour (before I started going to Golds), and was pretty much the closest to physical perfection I had ever seen in my life. He was half-Italian half Cherokee, 6', very muscular but not extreme or out of proportion, and had an 8 1/2" VERY thick cock. Underdawg took an interest in me and we ended up having sex a lot. But at some point I realized he was much too much of a partier and ne'er-do-well to ever be anything serious, even though he was about 10 years older than me. Underdawg eventually moved down to San Diego where he started doing porn and dancing at clubs and private parties for drunken closetted sailors and marines (yup, better believe it...even been to one). But now he's a home-maker with a boyfriend, a huge dog (German Shepherd), a cockateel and a nice quiet house south of San Diego near the beach. He still looks good in his mid-40's, and while he is "legit" in the sense that he works at a gym again, he still has a very party-like atmosphere and drinks a LOT. The first day I got to his place, we went out sight-seeing, then to a dinner party at another friend's house which lasted for 8 hours (it took over an hour for him to actually LEAVE the party from the point where he first said to the hosts, "OK, we'd better get going then").
I don't know what it is, but other people's animals usually "go for" me, and to Underdawg's amazement, their faithful dog slept downstairs next to my couch the entire night (I notice family cats tend to do that too). And I'm no Dr Doolittle, but that cockateel was WAY cool and would sing everytime it saw me until I took it out of its cage. I had that bird on my shoulder pretty much the whole time I was there, to the point Underdawg and his boyfriend joked that they'd need to check my duffle-bag as I was leaving to make sure I didn't sneak the bird out with me. That same day, I also finally met Underdawg's 20-year-old gay nephew who had just moved out from Florida to look for work in San Diego. This is one of the nicest kids I've met in a long time. He's sincere, interesting and you can tell he doesn't have a malicious bone in his body. Unfortunately, at 6' he's also about 150lbs overweight and I can tell he also has issues with low self-esteem. We hit it off immediately, and by the night time because of everyone talking about the severe cold (weird for San Diego) he started offering to share his bed rather than have me sleep on the downstairs couch again. At first I made excuses like keeping him up all night snoring (but seriously, I never snore) and such. But he'd counter saying things like, "that's OK. I'm used to loud noises. I'll be fine". Finally, Underdawg saw my situation and although extremely drunk, made it clear to his nephew that he didn't want ME sleeping in the upstairs bed with him (thank you, Underdawg).
Here's the thing; Underdawg's nephew is a really great kid. He has a very nice face (he looks like a dark-haired version of Will Wikle from "Another Gay Sequel"). But for his own health AND self-esteem, he needs to get himself in shape. I HATE the thought of this 20-year-old kid missing out on the prime of his youth, or potentially being victimized by someone because of his low self-esteem. I had a long talk with Underdawg about this the following morning and he assured me he was trying to get his nephew on a diet and set up with a colleague of his at the gym to get a program set out. I would consider it a blessing if the next time I went down there, I was met by a buffed, dark-haired younger Will Wikle that made me salivate, so he could tell me confidently, "Hey, Suave, you had your chance".
So, that's pretty much my trip; ups and downs. It's just as cold and rainy now back at home as it was in San Diego, so this will be a gloomy week meteorogically speaking. But it's good to be home.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Couldn't care, Lez
I'd been talking to this guy online for about 3 months, let's call him Norseman. Norseman is originally from back east but was moving out to SF and we'd been planning to meet once he got out here and became settled. His pics were hot, and his ass was extraordinary (I mean that). Even though he sounded a bit smug and gay on the phone (much like someone you'd come across in a soiree in Mid-town Manhattan) I had a hunch his ass would compensate. He finally got the opportunity to drive to my place from SF (a rarity, since SF guys don't I guess he hasn't "converted" yet). When he showed up, he was like an early 30-something Scot Wolf. Very nice face, about 15lbs heavier than in his pics, but still nice looking. We had a few minutes of touring my house, followed by small talk, which finally led to my bedroom (not the rumpus room). I'm not going to get into too much detail here, but we ended up fucking 3 times. His ass was THAT good. I was really impressed. So impressed, that after the 3rd round I asked if he wanted to join me in the jacuzzi for some post-coital relaxation, and he said yes.
The jacuzzi is part of my private community but it is rarely ever used. But this was Sunday afternoon, so lo' and behold there was a thin, 40-something woman with a crew-cut and bright green 1-piece bathingsuit ready to get in as we showed up. The jacuzzi is big enough for about 10 people, but her look was one of extreme annoyance and inconvenience as we showed up. She pretended not to see us and just got in, and we did too. Norseman and I began talking about light themed subjects, and I soon became aware that his "Manhattan gay tone" does not have an off-switch; it's who he is. So, no matter where he goes, yeah, you know. But this weird woman was the only other person around, so I really didn't worry about it and we just kept talking. Finally, the topic of drugs came up, and happily, he started saying how he never does drugs (not even poppers, gratefully, and I did notice this in bed) but how he has seen how bad the effects are. I said the same thing, and we then started talking about how different people we knew were addicted to specific drugs. Then either he or I started talking about Marijuana, at which point the buoyant woman pretending not to notice us sharply turned around and asserted, "you can't POSSIBLY put pot in the same category as addictive drugs." I was totally taken aback, since I didn't know this chick, nor did I care to. But Norseman held his ground and stated how he knew several people in his family (so do I) who were in fact addicted to marijuana. Then a heated discussion ensued, and this woman managed to expound on all her views ranging from abortion, to gay marriage (surprise) to legalizing drugs etc. To say it was obvious she was a lesbian would be to say it is obvious Ted Koppel wears a rug. I could have told her what she thought on any subject. She was that predictable.
And not surprisingly, Norseman and she agreed on a LOT. And I found out that I really have very little in common with Norseman politically speaking. But what I liked was that he was able to stand his ground and discuss things, backing what he said up with facts (real ones) and took the other side's point into consideration. That's the difference between being a brain-dead liberal/conservative which I find more and more irksome these days.
This will be my last post for awhile, since I will be heading down to LA to visit my crack-head ex and possibly participate in an intervention this coming weekend. So, wish me success. Stay happy. And TELL ME THIS ASS WASN'T WORTH IT:

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Word of Mouth
Kid21: Hey, I didn't know you knew "Ozzie"
Me: Ozzie? yeah. For about 3 years now.
Kid21: kewl. He's a frnd of mine. Known him for a few months now.
Me: cool. yeah, nice guy.
Kid21: He told me U R a great fuck : P
Me: He's correct.
Long story short, the Kid wanted to do a 3-way with Ozzie and me, which was convenient since Ozzie lived near him and could pick him up and bring him here. GREAT! So, tonite they came over; they each had a Mohawk and were stepping on cigarettes as I answered the door. I led them back to the "play-room" and we started talking about what was going to happen. I asked the Kid if he was into being a bottom, like Ozzie. He said he didn't have much experience with it, but was interested in trying. At that point, I knew I was going to have a GREAT time with twice the hole. I took off my sweats, and the Kid started sucking my cock. Then I got Ozzie to join in (hey, there was enough cock for both of them). After they both got my dick sloppy wet, I took their clothes off and posed them on the bed, butts up. Then I went back and forth between their holes, getting them both wet and hot.

Just the sight of their asses in the air was getting to be too much for me. My cock was at a full erection and I didn't know where to start. I thought since Ozzie was an "expert" bottom I'd start off inside him so the Kid could see what would be coming. I slid inside Ozzie's hole and gave him some slow, long strokes. He was clenching his hole around my dick and started rocking his butt to meet my strokes. We all knew he was enjoying it, and the kid's eyes were wide open watching us. "that's HOT!" was all he could say. "Yeah, it is." I responded, then slid outside of Ozzie's butt and stepped over to the kid, still bent over. "Now it's your turn" I said as I popped my cock into the kids hole. He was definitely tighter and more nervous. He was shaking a lot and I even thought he might have been tweaking, but it turns out he was really just a novice. After I got a good rythm going, the kid was really enjoying it. Then I started slipping in and out between Ozzie's and the Kid's hole; it was GREAT to feel the difference between them.
I ended up finishing up the first round inside the kid. Then I coaxed him into getting his 6" dick inside Ozzie. I told him how to fuck Ozzie; first on top of him while Ozzie was on his stomache, then from behind. The kid was going to town on Ozzie's ass, and I was feeling like my dick needed more attention, so I slid it back inside the kid. Now the kid was in heaven; pumping his dick and backing his ass into me-- getting it at both ends. It was hard to know what he enjoyed more; my cock in him or Ozzie's hole surrounding his dick (but..heh heh, I had my suspicions : )
Since I had already used the kid's hole to get my dick off the first time, I didn't want to make Ozzie jealous, so when the Kid looked like he was out of breath from pumping Ozzie from behind, I casually let him know I wanted a turn and slid my dick out of the kid. He obeyed and I flipped Ozzie on his back and did him missionary. It took me about 2 minutes of fucking to shoot my second load. NICE! Just as I was cumming, the kid started spurting all over Ozzie's face...good for him.
So, the moral of the story is treat your bottoms well. Because they do and will talk to each other. My rep is pretty high, which got me to bone two HOT guys tonite at the same time. Life is very good.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
The generational divide
For the last couple of days, I'd been boning this 21-year-old "sk8er" kid (that's how his internet profile reads). He's 6' tall, dyed black hair with a "faux-hawk" and nose ring. Despite his best efforts, he really is a physically cute kid. The first time we had sex was pretty cool: I did him from behind to start and he took it like a champ. When I got him on his back, he drew me into his butthole with his legs and begged for me to do it harder. Now, I like this, but the next time he came over he got more and more bossy about it, telling me to do it harder, not to stop, not to pull out, not to move, not to do this or that. It really did get annoying...but not nearly as annoying as his "Tru dat" and "mmm-hmmmmmmmmm" responses for everything I said. Equally annoying was his texting, which he did at any moment of free time. So, this will pretty much be the last time I see him.
Thinking about things; roughly 50% of the guys I hook up with are under 25 these days. Not because I want to, but those are just the guys that seem to be attracted to me. And while Rob presented the first supposed option for dating that I've entertained in a long time, as mentioned, that is not gonna happen. But it has forced me to compile a mental list (now not so mental, since it's being typed on the internet) of qualifications that I would like in a potential dating situation:
- 31 to 39 y/o
- former jock or nerd (NOT a fem, queen, circuit boy etc)
- picks up the check at least 25% of the time
- speaks English very well (first language a plus)
- speaks a second language well
- likes travel, the outdoors and roadtrips (extra points for singing 80's/90's tunes)
- values loyalty, personal honor, and confidence
- doesn't do drugs (drinks alcohol once a week MAX)
- keeps himself physically fit, either at the gym or thru sports
- last but not least; likes to get fucked and can take it at least twice a day
The last part is the most important, in that if all the other qualifications are met, then hey, I might as well have a very good friend. The sex part is what makes dating material. And since I've been around the block, I also know this is a tall order that is next to impossible to fill...but not necessarily impossible.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
So, if I'm to believe these "new" figures that 5" is the average penis size, then MY schlong at 8" (I'm being conservative, remember) is bigger than 98% of male humanity. Sven, who is at 9 1/2" is bigger than 99.2% of male humanity. This sparked a debate between us: we both agreed that generally speaking really good guys (very buffed muscle studs) are generally bad in bed. Then he added, "guys with big dicks, too!" This caught me off guard, and I questioned, "really? Why do you say that?" He said, "because they rely so much on their dicks when they have sex. They think that's what impresses the other person." I do remember this weird big-dicked guy I fucked (once in a bathroom when I was in University, then years later when I met him online). He was probably 11" cut, a thin guy in his late-20's/early 30's at the time. For some reason, the second time I fucked him at my place, he got really offended from some of the artwork I have in my house and decided he'd never speak to me again. Whatever. I did see him years later still at a Halloween party; he came as Tarzan in a loincloth which was just short of covering his dick, which hung below it. At any given mention of this he would whip it out and show anyone who asked and just talk about how big he was. He even showed people how he could suck himself (some people were enjoying the show, but others found his behavior extremely unnerving).
OK, MY personal experience is the opposite from Sven's assesment, in that at 8", I have to be EXTRA careful and cautious when I fuck (at least when I start out) to make sure the other person can handle it. And granted, when I'm not really into the other guy much, I do just want to get my dick off. But if I'm really into the other guy, they get the full treatment and will definitely enjoy it. So, maybe Sven is right: maybe some guys I've fucked think I'm bad in bed because I rely too much on my dick. But for me, if they think that I don't care, because it means I wasn't that into them to begin with.
Nowhere is this more evident than when I am fucking Rob; I can't really do anything but straight "in-n-out" or he gets nervous something is going to hurt (he's been consistently hard everytime we fuck tho, so I believe he is enjoying it). I spoke on the phone with him yesterday and he mentioned this December he is going to one of his favorite places:

Yes: Brazil. We had a discussion here and I told him it is far from my favorite place; not even my favorite place in South America (that goes to Argentina, then Venezuela being a close second). And I know he also has some romanticized image of Brazilian guys being "so hot!" So, I know he will probably find some shenanigans while he is down there. Not like we're even remotely monogamous at the moment anyway. Just food for thought I guess.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
This morning, I felt like I was definitely "on the mend", and had a fierce case of morning wood. It's so strange that while in physically ill health I can still get my rocks off 3 times a day, yes when in psychologically ill health (remember my "funk") there were times I couldn't even "raise a smile" (RIP Jack Tripper) let alone a stiffy. Luckily, I met a 23-year-old guy online today who was half Hawaiian half white and looked like the Hawaiian twat who got kicked out of O-Town in the series "Making the Band". I didn't take these pics, but they are from his profile (and they don't do him justice at all).

When he got to my place, he was pretty nervous, but I did manage to get him back to my den of inequity. He took off his sweater and I got behind him and undid his belt and pants and he nearly freaked; spinning towards me and said, "Wow. You just want to get right to it." I could see the apprehension in his eyes and could almost see the next words from his mouth would be "I'm sorry, I don't think this is going to work." So, to pre-empt this, I flipped out my semi-erect dick from my sweats and said, "You like to suck?" Bingo. He fell to his knees and started sloshing my cock around his mouth and sucked me for a good 5 minutes until I figured he was relaxed enough. Then I pulled him up, took off his pants, bent him over the bed, spread his cheeks and ate out his BEAUTIFUL hole. I told him to flex it tight, then relax it open, and repeat a few times so he got used to using his sphyncter muscles. Then, I suited up, slipped my cock inside him and he took the whole thing in with one smooth stroke. At that point, after I flexed my cock inside him to see how much he could take, I figured he was ready for it, so I began to give him a good fucking. I grabbed his hipps and just fucked his ass like a rag doll. He was moaning like crazy. Then I got on top of him missionary and just went to town; no kissing, no touching, just me using his hole. After about a good 10 minutes I bent in towards him and whispered, "you like getting your hole fucked?" He responded, "yeah. it feels good." I quickened my pace and said, "I'm gonna keep fucking you for a little longer. You're gonna feel my dick get bigger as I'm pumping." He started moaning more. "Now I'm gonna cum in your butt" I said as I pounded his ass hard to bust a HUGE nut. When I was done, I looked down and saw the pool of cum on his abs. Bulls eye! Go SUAVE! It's yo' BERF-DAY!
As if my body was reminding me that I was getting back to normal, right as the kid was leaving my house I was getting even hornier than when he got here. I went back online and was doing some major trolling for skank. And gratefully Steel was online and said he'd come over. Usually I fuck him twice. And while he lets me (he only cums once/the second time) I get the feeling he doesn't appreciate it that much. So, this time I just got one round from his ass and thought I should be grateful and not greedy. Back to Rob, I really don't think we'd ever be in a place where I could get seconds from his ass either. He makes such a big deal about having sex and how much effort it is for him to get fucked. I guess it's like a catch-22; you either get a guy who isn't that good at sex or you get a guy who always wants sex and ends up cheating on you any chance he gets. Any middle-ground here?
Monday, November 9, 2009
Fleeing the flu
The next day wasn't much better, but luckily I did get to relax and just keep it very low key. The highlight was my call from Rob in the eve;
Rob: how's it going stud?
Me: wassup, Doc?
Rob: You said before to give you some advance notice, so are we still on for tomorrow eve?
Me: yeah. what time?
Rob: I should be out of here by 10:30 or so. So, 11:30?
Me: that should be OK. I have 2 interviews the next day, so just as long as we don't make it too late it sounds like a plan.
Rob: (laughs) you're the one who takes so long to cum, remember?
Me: Ohhhhhh, gotcha. You just want to stop by for a booty-call on your way home. I get it.
Rob: (hesitant) Oh, um...not really. I was -
Me: Dude, it's cool. I'm joking.
Rob: Uh...but we are going to have sex, right?
Me: if you're lucky.
Rob: (laughs) Me? You mean if YOU'RE lucky. Little punk.
Me: this time if you want I'll just try and cum as quick as possible, OK? It's something I never do, so it'll be a change for me.
Rob: yeah. we already had this talk, but I like variety.
Me: yup. And any incentive you can give me this time would make me cum a lot faster.
Rob: what kind of incentive?
Me: like, say something like, "yeah, dude. Just use my hole. Fuck me!"
Rob: hey, I don't like the sound of that. I'm not a bottom. I don't like the thought of my ass being used or anything. I'm usually the one fucking, remember?
Me: Duuuude! It's not about top or bottom. You gotta get that out of your mind. Think of it like you're my coach trying to get me to cross a finish line. Just give me encouragement.
Rob: (pause) I think I can definitely manage "fuck me". You just got me hard, and I'm driving.
Me: Yeah, well, you're just a horn-dog.
Rob: OK. well, let's plan on it for tomorrow. Don't cum tonite so you'll do it fast tomorrow. Then next time we can hang out for awhile. Watch a movie at my place or something.
Me: yup. you got it.
Rob: you're so cool. It's good talking to you again.
Which leads me to my last point: I think I'm kinda crushing on this guy. Everytime we talk, he lavishes me with compliments and makes me really feel good. Meanwhile, a) I don't take compliments very well b) I don't give them as much as I should and c) I'm thinking the evil eye is watching me now and always. My fear is that if I start complimenting Rob on things he'll lose interest. Plus, I'm sure he gets complimented 100 times a day, and I don't want to just say something totally obvious like "nice pecs" and sound stupid. Anyway, maybe I'm rambling now, but I DID just finish saying I have the flu, so blame it on that.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Doctor's Appointment

Thursday, November 5, 2009
the Idiot and the Odyssey
I should have taken some pics, and I'm sorry that I didn't. But next time. Suffice it to say, this kid has an AWESOME ass, and for those cock-lovers among my readers, he had a 7" long uncut cock too. He was a VERY good fuck and this time let me get off before he did (the change of scenery from the sauna agreed with his sexual performance).
OK, next story; over the last weekend a guy started talking to me on manhunt. First of all, I don't like manhunt and am not a paying member, nor am I hardly ever on it (I prefer adam4adam). So, I wasn't able to see the guys pictures, since you have to pay to be able to see larger sizes of them etc. But he seemed like a nice enough guy as we talked back and forth, until suddenly, surprise! I couldn't get any more messages without subscribing. "Fuck that!" thought I, and logged off. A couple days later, I logged back on to see if I could get the messages, and I could (I guess there's a daily limmit) and the guy was like, "hey man, I thought we were hitting it off. Call me sometime." and left his number. I ended up calling him that night, and it turned out he was a doctor, a few years older than me in his early 40's, a former model, a multi-millionare, and when he sent me his normal-sized pics to my email, I found out he looked (and sounded) like a younger version of Tony Robbins (so I'm gonna call him "Rob" for short). In short, he seemed too good to be true, so I wanted to confirm this and arranged for us to meet the next eve in a neutral place between my house and his mansion. We met in a shopping center parking lot (he showed up in a mercedes) and we both got out and greeted each other in the cold. He said we should get in his car and chat for a few minutes, and I obliged. This guy was exactly like his pics; HUGE! He did have a little bit of a pretty boy image going on (tanned skin, highlights in his hair, waxed brows) but he was VERY masculine in voice and demeanor.
After having a very cool and stimulating round of conversation, the talk turned to how hard I was getting him. "Great!" I thought, "This guy is probably hung like a donkey, too!" Then we started talking about sex; I told him I'm very good at it, and he replied that he wasn't. "Huh?" Turns out he had only just started getting with guys since his divorce. He said that as a bottom, he usually lasts 40 seconds before having to cum. I told him we should try it, but not that eve, but tomorrow. He was very disappointed and said he was gonna explode. I told him to wait, and that it would be good for him to jack-off in the morning too so he could last longer when we met at my place for a good round of sex.
I'll save the next part of the story until tomorrow, as this is running long. Suffice it to say, it was very interesting. And unique. At least to me...
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Back from PV
While the plane ride from Mexico City to Puerto Vallarta was only 1 hour, I was saddened to see the same trailer trash I had arrived with was going to Puerto Vallarta. But luckily, they would be nowhere in site where I was going. I was picked up at the airport by Ricky and glad to see the boy was doing VERY WELL and almost hadn't aged a bit in 10 years. I stayed in his resort and can't recommend that enough (it's Casa Cupula if anyone wants to know). The hotel was full of gay guys ranging from buffed frat boys to old NYC queens, but they were all rested and happy to be there. My impressions of Puerto Vallarta are this; I never knew there was such a gay corner of Mexico. I'm talking rainbow flags, guys kissing on the beach etc. It was a real shock to me. The down side is there is a prevalent mercenary atmosphere and relationship going on between Americans and Mexicans there. For instance, Ricky constantly had a throng of young Mexican boys around him vying for his attention. In fact, there was a pretty marked caste system going on there; Americans who lived there were at the top (they could offer housing, employment et), Americans who were visiting were next on the rung (they could offer a night out, money, a job abroad), Mexicans who had a job were the next to last (they could offer an introduction to their employer) and the bottom were Mexicans who had no job. Unfortunately, the Americans relished in/perpetuated this system since it's not based on how hot you are but the potential you have to offer which creates a very shallow and superficial environment overall. I got laid once the entire trip at the Golds gym (yup, just as gay there as it is here). But to be perfectly honest I really didn't miss not having sex since I was on sensory overload with good food, good company (Rickie and some other choice contacts), good surroundings and non-stop social activity (dinner parties, bars, gym, beach and occasional volunteer work). All in all, I would HIGHLY recommend Puerto Vallarta, possibly the gayest place south of the US. And Casa Cupula for anyone who wants to experience luxury at Ramada Inn prices.
When I got back to the US, I pretty much made up for all the lack of sex; Steel came over and I got to fuck him like an animal. Then I went to a "night-before-halloween" party dressed as a soccer player and met a guy dressed as a rugby player. He was white, smooth, early 30's, tall and had a high-and-tight haircut. We'd been talking for about 20 minutes when I suddenly popped a very noticeable boner through my shorts. The guy noticed and smiled and said, "I guess you're not wearing a jock-strap." I was feeling just too randy to care so I stepped closer to him and put my hands on his ass and replied, "Nope, I guess you're not either." I looked around and saw none of the other guests were watching us, so I pulled him into the host's bedroom. Within 5 minutes I was inside him and fucking his white bubble-butt doggie-style over the bed. He took it like a champ and let me do whatever I wanted. I finally flipped him missionary style and fucked him until I came. I think he was too drunk to cum, but he definitely enjoyed it.
Then today I met Sven at the gym as he was on his way to a Halloween Haunted House he helps out at. He worked out, but I was just moral support more than anything as I just didn't have the energy. After he left, I hit the shower and although there was one troll in the vicinity, I ended up fucking a 20-something slender Greek guy with a long uncut dick in the sauna. Unfortunately in typical Greek fashion, he was too eager to get his butt fucked and ended up cumming within about a minute, leaving me with a blue balls (it takes me at LEAST 3 minutes to get from soft to spurt). But undaunted, I remembered Hill was coming over as he was on his way to SFO flying out to Bangkok. I waited patiently until I thought he'd be a no-show, which is totally unlike him. But he finally called and said he's running late but wanted to stop by anyway to say good-by. When he got here, I opened the door, and he came in. I just closed it behind him and started undoing his pants, which made him laugh, "what are you doing? We don't have time." I said, "yeah, we do. Just take it like a good boy and you'll have something to remember on the plane." I turned him around, flipped my dick out of my underwear, suited-up and spit on my dick, then eased the long-ranger in his butt-hole as he arched his back to spread open his pucker. It took about a minute to get my whole schlong into his butt, but once we got it in, he let me pump him NICE and HARD against my front door. We both came within 5 minutes (which left me to wipe up the door after he left).
Ahhhhhhhh, there's no place like home.
Friday, October 23, 2009
No news is...
This week I haven't had much sex (partially due to Kev-bo's visit, but also I think I'm still coming out of the funk). But yesterday, I did FINALLY get some action at the gym. I did my cardio, then went into the steam-room; to my pleasant surprise there were NO TROLLS!!! There were 4 "regulars" who are also into steamroom sex, but they are NORMAL in that they come and go, follow each other out/stay when interested etc. And they respect the fact that if two guys want some privacy they give them a few minutes alone. One guy, a shortish Mexican guy in his 30's was blowing another guy when I walked in on them. I then stepped out to give them some space to finish up and went into the back open stall. The Mexican guy came out and went into the stall directly across from me, so I guess he was more interested in me than the guy he was blowing. I started stroking and so did he. I motioned him to come over to me and he did, and knelt down and started sucking my dick. I let him at it for a minute or so (didn't want to waste precious privacy time before someone walked out of the steamroom or in from the locker room) then pulled him up, suited up my dick with a condom from my kit, bent him over in front of me, got some spit on his hole and my cock and fucked him fast and furious for a couple of minutes until I blew my wad.
I was very satisfied with myself and happy the stars aligned that night to allow for a shower-room fuck at the gym sans trolls. I went home and remembered Kev-bo was off to see "Heart" in concert (he's not only a fan but gets to see them back-stage in person whenever they tour) which meant I had the night alone. I still had some packing and preparation to do for my trip so I thought I'd take advantage of the down-time. But during a break I got hit up by a 21-year-old light-skinned/freckled Latin kid who'd been trying to hook up with me for a month. He was close by so I decided I should take a break from my break and go and bone him. When I got to his place, he was a cute kid, but he had some other dude I'd seen online (never interested enough to talk with tho). He said it would be cool, so I just brushed it off. We went back to his room where there was porn on the TV as well as on a computer the other guy was watching. The kid started pulling my clothes off, then sucking me- badly. This was a harkener of things to come, as he just was not good at sex at all. Why? because he was fumbling, fretting, stepping on me, kneeing me as he frantically changed positions. It was almost like he was tweaking, but I think he was really just bad. Finally I had had enough and told him we were going to fuck (his friend was pretending like none of this was going on and kept staring at the porn in front of him). The kid pulled out a condom and put it on me (I felt his fingernails twice) then proceded to sit on it. To his credit, he did manage to get it inside him, but then began to bounce, grind and moan like crazy; no rhythm, no consistency. It was just bad. I tried fucking him on his back, but the same thing would happen: he'd move around, jerk his body, flail his legs, etc. I was getting very frustrated and told him several times to just relax and not move at all. Didn't work. I tried one last thing, which was to get him on his stomach. Even then, he'd jerk his hips and try to thrust his ass to meet my dick which just caused me lose my traction. He was just plain bad. Definitely the worst fuck I've had in recent memory. I did manage to get off finally, and then just washed up to leave.
I later heard from him online:
"That was HOT. I'd definitely be up for it again"
I responded, "you're a nice looking dude. But I think I'm gonna leave it as a one-time thing".
No need to hurt his feelings there. I guess you either have it or you don't. I hope this guy meets someone equally as cute and cluelessly bad in bed so that they both can't tell the difference. And with that, I will bid y'all "hasta luego" until I get back from Mexico.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Wearing Two Condoms
Why am I telling this story? Because last week seriously felt like I was wearing a double body condom 24/7. Food didn't taste like much, I didn't have energy for any good workouts, sex was just not that fulfilling and the overall sensation of life was just dulled. By Friday, I was hoping the feeling was residing, but no such luck. I went to the gym and just couldn't get enough energy to get in a good workout. But what made up for it was I walked into the steam room and saw a NICE looking late-30's read-head (he shaved his head, but his body-hair was red) who was in dire need of sex. There were 2 trolls there, but his darting glances trying to make eye-contact told the story. I felt him looking at me and motioned him to follow me from the steam room to the showers. I wanted him to come to a corner stall which was open, but out of eye-view from any in-coming people. He shook his head and led me to the stall right across from it: it had a curtain, but was still visible through the glass, although heavily obscured from a distance. I was weary, but the long ranger was doing all the thinking, so I followed him in. Just then, one of the old trolls walked into the adjacent stall, obviously to watch through the glass. Normally, this would really piss me off, but in this instance, he provided an extra layer of flabby cover to shield my boning from view of anyone else who might be in the vicinity. So, I just put him out of my mind, bent the nice, white dude with the glistening pink-hole over and fucked him. My energy level was not the highest, coupled with the fact that I was a bit nervous. But managed to pound his ass until I came (so did he). This should have been an EXCELLENT fuck, but as I was still walking around with my double-full-body-condom it was just OK.
Later that night, I got home and was messaged by a 20-something blond visiting flight attendant who wanted an anonymous fuck at his hotel. While anonymous fucks can be hot, it also means there is something wrong with the guy who wants them. The fact that this guy had 4 different ass pictures on his profile who were obviously of 4 different guys (1.I'm an ass-man and 2. I'm not fucking BLIND)

should have told me something. But I did like his face and body pic, so I decided to go for it. Here's the thing, normally I'd be driving over there with a hard-on, but since I'm still in my state, I knew I'd be able to perform once I got there, but my dick wasn't reacting to the thought of it. Anyway, when I got to the hotel, the door was open and the room was dark so I walked in. But being the "been-around-the-block" kinda guy I am, I stepped into the bathroom and turned on the light so I'd at least get a look at the guy who was soon to have my cock inside him. Just as I thought, bent over the bed, ass up, was the guy from the pic below, only he was about 20 lbs heavier than in the body pic he sent. And NONE of the ass pics above belonged to him (the closest would be the first, but since this guy was barely 3" when fully erect, that even rules that one out). Now, here's the thing: I totally wouldn't have cared, cuz all I need is a nice round ass, and blond guys with white asses are a definite plus. But this guy obviously had severe body issues since he had lost his figure/unable to deal with the reality of his current physique and was ashamed of anyone seeing him, hence the "anonymous". BTW, since he sent out fake pics with the intent to deceive, here is his real pic as a public service msg. So, "caveat fornicator." Long story short, I gave him what he needed doggie-style, on his stomach, and finally on his back/missionary (although he protested, most likely so he didn't have to show his belly).
Last story is that it was my friend Chef's birthday the next eve. His best friend since highschool is this hairy ogre of a guy, who to me has the personality of amonia-flavored mouthwash. But one thing I have to hand him is he is 100% straight and Chef is openly gay, but he has remained his best friend. The ogre opened up his house to have the party; 8 gay guys and 5 straight people (including 2 women). The straight people left around midnight, at which point the ogre said, "OK, I'm not gonna spend the rest of the night in surrounded by gay guys. Let's go hit the bars." So, Chef, his boyfriend and the rest of the crew (minus yours truly) spent the rest of the night (straight) bar-hopping. I'm telling this story I guess to essentially "date myself" among my readers. I was definitely raised in a different generation, and am not "out". So, to this day I heavily segregate my gay and straight friends. There have only been a very few cases where I've invited some select gay friends to interact with my straight ones, and only when I'm 100% sure they won't flame out or be detectable in any way. That's just me. But more and more these days I'm finding that among people born after 1980, this is just a total non-issue. I guess I'm still just old school.
One final (yes, I know) update: Will has turned out to be a total flake. Yup, small wonder: what part of "pot-head" did I NOT understand? Anyway, I'm really hoping this full-body condom will dissolve by itself soon. Mexico will not be fun if I have to wear it while I'm there.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Viva La Funk
I got a few messages from the 19-year-old guy I de-virginized the other day. And of course I was nice, but non-commital as I really don't want to see him again. I'll just manage that to make sure he gets the point but feels good about himself. Will has also been messaging me a lot as he's on his tour of the US and doesn't get back until Weds. I'm REALLY looking forward to that. Aside from him being a sporadic pot-head, I think I could handle taking him on as a steady fuck-bud. We'll see.
I met another flight attendent online, but this guy lives on the East Coast. He's half-Spanish half-Puerto Rican (don't get me started on how many Latin American guys say they're "half Spanish"), mid 30's, and this guy has a freakin' PYTHON hanging between his legs if the pictures are accurate (he's a bottom, so I'm assuming they are). We've been talking on the phone for a couple weeks now, and although I don't like long internet or phone conversations, he's been an interesting guy to talk to if nothing else. We've left it that after I get back from Mexico he'll either fly out here or fly me out to wherever he happens to be to meet in person (hey, it's free for them, so no harm no foul if it doesn't work out).
Finally, I had an extremely irritating fuck today with this guy:

When he got here, he was a few years older than the pics he has online, but I just wanted to fuck at this point. But I also metered my anger level to make sure I wasn't too much of a dick. That didn't last long. When I got his clothes off and bent him over, I tried to get his ass (the one asset he had going for him) wet with my tongue, but he was just squirming around and moaning everywhere. I tried physically restraining him with my hands on his hips and tell him to hold-still, but even then he'd just writhe on the bed. I was like "fuck this!" and just grabbed the profo from the dresser, suited up the Long Ranger, put some spit on it and shoved it up his hole. He squeeled and moaned, bucking and squirming, but now I not only had my hands grabbing his hips, but my dick burried in his ass to keep him steady; it worked. He was small enough that I could lift him up and just impale him on my dick from behind, which I did over and over. He was enjoying it, but getting more and more girly and effeminate, asking, "do you have any lube we can use?" I said, "Yup. but you're not getting any" and proceded to pound him hard. Then I flipped him on his back and of course his little pecker was rock hard, and I began to shove my cock in him missionary until I shot my load. I let him know I came and even though he had irritated me, he did open his legs nice and wide so I could get a good orgasm out, so I felt like being a gentleman. "Do you want to come?" He nodded and started jacking off whining for me to fuck him harder.
Normally, this would be a turn-on, but his voice was just getting so sickeningly effeminate that I was losing my erection after about 5 minutes of that. Then he asked, "Can we do it doggie?" "Fine" I said emotionlessly and callously yanked my dick out of him and flipped him on his knees. I handed him some lube thinking it would help him cum faster, and he poured it onto his dick and hand. I roughly jammed my semi-hard dick back inside him and started fucking again. His moans and squeels were getting so obnoxious, so I asked, "are you close?" he nodded and said, "Uh-huh. Keep going" so I did, for yet another 5 minutes, then asked him again, "Dude, ARE YOU CLOSE?" He nodded and said, "yeah. Fuck me harder." OK, now I realized what was going on, he had NO INTENTION of cumming. He was just a little cock-whore bottom who just likes to get fucked for as long as he can take it. So, I said, "OK, you have one more minute." and kept fucking. He gave a puzzled, "Huh?" to which I responded, "30 seconds". Then counting backward from thirty, when I reached zero I yanked my dick out of him and said, "Time's up." then went to the bathroom to flush the profo and wash up without a word. When I came back I threw a towel at him and said, "use that if you want to wash up". He took the hint and got dressed and left without another word.
Yup, I was a dick. Yup, I CAN be a dick. But here's a case of someone who deservied it.