I'd been talking to this guy online for about 3 months, let's call him Norseman. Norseman is originally from back east but was moving out to SF and we'd been planning to meet once he got out here and became settled. His pics were hot, and his ass was extraordinary (I mean that). Even though he sounded a bit smug and gay on the phone (much like someone you'd come across in a soiree in Mid-town Manhattan) I had a hunch his ass would compensate. He finally got the opportunity to drive to my place from SF (a rarity, since SF guys don't travel...so I guess he hasn't "converted" yet). When he showed up, he was like an early 30-something Scot Wolf. Very nice face, about 15lbs heavier than in his pics, but still nice looking. We had a few minutes of touring my house, followed by small talk, which finally led to my bedroom (not the rumpus room). I'm not going to get into too much detail here, but we ended up fucking 3 times. His ass was THAT good. I was really impressed. So impressed, that after the 3rd round I asked if he wanted to join me in the jacuzzi for some post-coital relaxation, and he said yes.
The jacuzzi is part of my private community but it is rarely ever used. But this was Sunday afternoon, so lo' and behold there was a thin, 40-something woman with a crew-cut and bright green 1-piece bathingsuit ready to get in as we showed up. The jacuzzi is big enough for about 10 people, but her look was one of extreme annoyance and inconvenience as we showed up. She pretended not to see us and just got in, and we did too. Norseman and I began talking about light themed subjects, and I soon became aware that his "Manhattan gay tone" does not have an off-switch; it's who he is. So, no matter where he goes, yeah, you know. But this weird woman was the only other person around, so I really didn't worry about it and we just kept talking. Finally, the topic of drugs came up, and happily, he started saying how he never does drugs (not even poppers, gratefully, and I did notice this in bed) but how he has seen how bad the effects are. I said the same thing, and we then started talking about how different people we knew were addicted to specific drugs. Then either he or I started talking about Marijuana, at which point the buoyant woman pretending not to notice us sharply turned around and asserted, "you can't POSSIBLY put pot in the same category as addictive drugs." I was totally taken aback, since I didn't know this chick, nor did I care to. But Norseman held his ground and stated how he knew several people in his family (so do I) who were in fact addicted to marijuana. Then a heated discussion ensued, and this woman managed to expound on all her views ranging from abortion, to gay marriage (surprise) to legalizing drugs etc. To say it was obvious she was a lesbian would be to say it is obvious Ted Koppel wears a rug. I could have told her what she thought on any subject. She was that predictable.
And not surprisingly, Norseman and she agreed on a LOT. And I found out that I really have very little in common with Norseman politically speaking. But what I liked was that he was able to stand his ground and discuss things, backing what he said up with facts (real ones) and took the other side's point into consideration. That's the difference between being a brain-dead liberal/conservative which I find more and more irksome these days.
This will be my last post for awhile, since I will be heading down to LA to visit my crack-head ex and possibly participate in an intervention this coming weekend. So, wish me success. Stay happy. And TELL ME THIS ASS WASN'T WORTH IT: