So, my quick moving story is this: 4 friends of mine had offered to help me move, which would have been more than enough. I got all my "ducks in a row" and got the cable guy for the new place, the rug guys for my old place, the rental truck etc all set up for the move. The day before, I got a call from my friend (soon-to-be former friend) "Ox", as in "strong as an). Ox is a very big/buffed guy from Nicaragua, who has a very laid-back and low-key demeanor (he'll fall asleep on you in mid-sentence if you're in a car together). But for the most part a good guy and reliable (he came to visit me in the UK when I was living there a few years back). Ox said, "what time do you need me there tomorrow?" Since Ox lives in SF and doesn't have a car, I told him another friend of mine would be passing thru SF to pick him up and that I'd take him home that eve. He said, "Cool. then we can finish moving stuff from my place to my Mom's house." I was kinda caught off guard and asked, "How big is the stuff and how much?" "Just a couple of big things and a few small boxes. We could do it in one trip" he replied. "That's fine, but they'd need to fit in my car, cuz I only have the truck for the afternoon until 5pm" I said. Ox got very quiet and then said, "Ah. OK. I'll work it out. I'm going to get on the train now so I'll call you later." then he hung up. I started to think that maybe I could try to extend the truck rental, but then I remembered they also charge .99 cents a mile, which would mean an extra $80 for me to take it up to SF and back. Then I remembered there is another truck rental place up there, so I made a reservation for the next day in the eve and thought that would take care of the problem.
Next day comes around and of course my first friend Houston was late out of bed, but said he'd still be coming over and would call me as he was getting near SF to pick up Ox. Meanwhile, the 2 other friends came up with very good excuses on why they couldn't come and help today, but assured me they were very sorry about it. I called Ox to let him know Houston was on his way, and got his Voicemail so I left a message for him to call me. Next call I got was an hour later from Houston telling me he was close to SF but neither of us had heard back from Ox. I called again,a nd got voicemail. The third time I called and got voicemail, I just mentally adjusted all my plans to the fact that Ox had flaked. Which meant I had to cancel the truck in SF I had rented for him (luckly they didn't charge me). Houston arrived and we spent the entire day/eve moving. Houston is a great guy, and a great friend. I wish it were in me to be the boyfriend he wants, but it just can't and won't happen. Around 10 pm that night I finally got a call from Ox, which I was too pissed off to take, so this time he left a voicemail saying, "Hey, I'm so sorry. I thought the move was tomorrow. I was called into work today and left my cell at home. I'm really sorry and hope I can make it up to you." Ox is another guy who wishes I was his boyfriend. I've helped him out on a couple occasions, and haven't always been warm and friendly with him sometimes specifically when he gets too mushy and clingy with me. But I really never expected him to flake like that. I'm kind of still debating on whether this was grounds to end our 6-year friendship. More on that later.
When I got up the next morning I felt like a train had hit me. I was sore ALL OVER MY FREAKIN' BODY. Sex that week was definitely out of the question, which was actually timely since I had relatives over the entire week for a round of "well-wishing" and constant suggestions (nagging) on how to fix up my new place. By the time the next weekend rolled around, I was definitely feeling randy, which was good since Boy-bitch had been bugging me to come over. Although I needed my rest, I also needed to get laid...BAD. So, I picked his drunken ass up from the BART station and we spent the night/morning fucking. Although in fairness, he did let me sleep more than he's ever done this time. And he let me take a couple photos: the first is when he was waiting for it,

the second is after his hole has been thoroughly fucked.

I'm hoping next week things will slow down enough for me to catch my breath, and that my place will sell so I can get that monkey off my back.
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