The odd and not too pleasing fact is for some reason having the cat around may be directly responsible for a drastic drop in my libido. Twink came over yesterday for a quick fuck, but for some reason, I just didn't appreciate it. He was very willing (let me take a picture of the hole, as I'm kinda getting into taking these kinda pictures for posterity now).
And even though I came, it was weird, as I just wasn't as into it as I should have been. I mentioned before that children have that effect on my libido as well, meaning if I so much as sense that they are around, have been around, are going to be around, then I just feel asexual. Well, I think this cat has the same effect on me and I don't really know why. But I like her for now, especially because she is pretty low-maintenance all-in-all, which is good for me since my new job will keep me traveling heavily.
On that note, I will be taking my first ever trip to Japan this weekend unfortunately. I say unfortunately because I have spent my entire professional career avoiding a trip to Japan, as I am the furthest thing from a Nipponophile. I have absolutely NO no affinity for the culture, language or people in general. I occasionally eat sushi...and that's the extent of it. This time I'm only there for a day (about 36 hours) but there's a possibility I will have to go there for two weeks after this trip. THAT will suck.
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