Noooo, not THAT kind of confirmation. Lemme 'splain...
I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in the universe when I say I have a very bad habbit of second-guessing my instincts, which are actually very good. And even though I know I'm 99% sure of something, just because all the facts plus my gut is telling me something, I always look for that confirmation to put the matter to rest. Here's an example: I met the first guy I ever had sex with (and who would later be my first boyfriend) when I was in college at a frat party (he was the "house master" and looked, talked and acted like Keanu Reeves). There's much more to this story, but suffice it to say after I broke up with him, we lost contact for about 12 years (this was right before the age of the internet). Since he was a spoiled rich kid from LA and always drove nice cars, nice suits, nice houses (3 at one time) and had a good job (became a VP of a well-known consulting firm) I'd just assumed he went on to greater things. While I was in Europe this last time, he found me on the internet and we emailed a few times culiminating in him saying how cool it would be to meet up again. I told him I'd be back in the US in a few months and we could definitely make plans. But he was always very evasive and sporadic in his communication, and didn't have a cell-phone as it turns out. So, I thought two things: 1. he's so wrapped up in his job that he doesn't have much free time or 2. he has severe issues with substance abuse or mental problems. The more I analyzed the situation (no cell phone and no internet "foot-print" was a big giveaway) I realized it was most likely the latter. But I guess I didn't want to believe that someone who for good or for bad influenced me and affected me at one point in my life would fall so low, so I always left a room for the shadow of a doubt (maybe I was completely wrong). Well, another long story, but the wrap-up is that I got confirmation yesterday that he is indeed a rock-bottom, couch-surfing, chrystal-meth addict; the LAST person in the world I would have ever suspected, but unfortunately once again my initial instincts were correct. And I'm bummed out because of it.
I got a few emails about the video I posted about the dude that I fucked that turned out to be in porn, doubting that I knew him. Well to all you doubters, haters and baiters, yes, I actually do. And I still have his number. And no, you cannot bait me into giving it to you just to "prove it" to you. If you are really so desperate to contact him, I can forward your contact info to him and just leave it at that if he's intersted. And just to blow your minds even further, here's yet another story involving porn, sex parties, Eurotrash and plastocene (actually there's no plastocene in this story):
Back in the early part of this decade when I was living in the UK, there was a couple named Diego and Bernie who lived North of London and had some amazing sex parties (yes, I remember what I said about there not being sex parties that were "half as good" as the ones during 1999, but I meant in the US). Diego was a flight attendant or "trolly dolly" as they call them in the UK (they are so faggy sounding over there) and in his early 40's at the time whereas his boyfriend, Bernie was the typical "old English queen"; mid-50's, effeminate, bitter and controlling. So, since he was too repugnant to actually entice young guys to have sex, he decided to do the next best thing, which was to open up his house to young guys to have sex all around him and watch. And they were VERY selective and restrictive on who would come. Yes, "British hot" is still a few notches below what is considered hot in the US, but still, they were hot, and the "bouncer" at the front door was constantly calling Bernie over when someone who had either sent a fake or very old picture tried to sneak their way in (Bernie would usually just confirm what the bouncer's opinion was and say simply "Ta" and walk back to the party). And these parties were so big that people would actually fly in from as far away as Greece to attend. I went to about 6 the entire time I was living in the UK and ALWAYS ended up fucking from 6 - 20 guys a night (note: not cumming that many times, but yeah. It was HOT).
Around 2006 they stopped doing them (I was already back in the US by then) and decided to apparently take another path: porn. Diego used to be pretty hot and buffed, but has since become quite haggard looking (you can be the judge). Yet another friend of mine in Italy has actually gone into porn as well and is apparently getting quite a following now. He sent me this link showing Diego in action (he's the darker bald guy in the second scene; Bernie is the smarmy effette voice you are hearing off-camera.
6 years ago
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