I don't know if it was because I was forced to have such a quick and early orgasm, but after that I felt very randy, like my mission had not been completed. I planned to go to the gym anyway and that usually cures any randiness as I more often than not can barely make it back to my care these days after my workout. But for some reason, after today's workout, I went back to the locker room and honestly for some reason couldn't keep my dick soft. I felt almost like I was in highschool again or something. I had to cover myself with my towel bunched up everywhere I walked. And since this is a "gay" gym in SF, I was getting a lot of attention. I finally thought, fuck it, so what if I walk around with a semi. But it did underscore the fact that I needed to get laid AGAIN. After about 20 minutes in the sauna and showers, I realized it wasn't going to happen there, so I went home.
I went back online and talked to another 30-something white guy and invited him over. When he got here, same weird vibe; like he was hesitating. I finally coaxed him in out from the door and we went back to my room where he stopped cold. Too late-I already pulled his pants down and started massaging his butt (which was NICE). He reached around back and felt my dick and groaned, then turned to look at it. He looked fascinated like he'd never seen one before (he wasn't very big, so I guess I understand). He didn't want to suck on my dick and in fact said, "Um...is there anything I should worry about here?" This was a turn off, but I just brushed it off and said, "Nope. Negative and clean man. Verified last month." I finally started fucking him and pretty much got exactly what I wanted from him. The only exception was that he never said "fuck me" or "that's nice" or anything. He just kept saying "fuck" over and over, using it as an exclamation like, "Damn!" or "Golly!" throughout the act. After we were done, he said, "You don't remember me, do you?" Now I was REALLY annoyed, since I HATE petty games. "Nope, sorry. I've been gone for awhile so don't take it personal" I replied hoping that would be the end to this line. But he continued, "You used to live at another place. A condo." "Yup, you got me" I said putting my clothes on hoping he'd get the hint. "I came over a few years back. We made it to your room. But then I saw all the religious icons and just left." I nodded in recognition and said, "ahhhh." but in reality, I didn't remember or care at all. I just wanted him to leave at this point. I motioned him out of the room and said, "well, glad we finally got to do it then." And he finally followed me out to the door so I could let him out. When I got back online later, I got this message:

fuckin hot man. practically perfect. short setup. all business. great sex. know what the fuck yer doin. short drive. home. done. thanks.
The reality is, I don't give a fuck what made it "practically perfect" for him. Maybe I'm being a dick because I was treated badly earlier. but I'm just tired of dealing with these head cases.
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