And here we are: 2010. Weren't we supposed to be colonizing Io by now? I just dunno. So, before I get into some boning, I have to make a few profound-as-you-want-them-to-be type comments. First, 2009 wasn't all that bad. Yes, I know a lot of people lost their jobs (I quit mine), their 401k's, their savings and even their houses. Yes, I realize a lot of celebrities died (RIP Brittany Murphy). But no one in the US was starving on the streets, crushed in an earthquake, blown up by Mohammedans or any number of horrible events which BTW DID happen around the world. So, pleeeze, let's put things into perspective, eh.
As for me, 2009 was pretty cool on a personal level. I spent half of it in Europe, which was definitely a growth experience for too many reasons to go into. But one thing I am very grateful for 2009 is I finally got to hear songs I had not heard in some cases over 25 years. Why? Because although I searched and scowered the internet and music sites, I could never find these particular songs, NAMELY because I didn't know what they were called (or in 2 cases, the artists). But because Europe has different search engines than the US, I was finally able to find them. And here they are:
1. I heard this one when I first arrived in the US as a young lad, but only once and on the radio, which didn't announce the name of it when it ended. Since my English at the time was limited, I could only make out a few words of it here and there; and some of it was WAY off. I was pretty sure it was by the Pet Shop Boys, so I'd try and google it along with some of the phrases (I remembered "get to heaven" was one line) but in the US the same hits would always come up; their song "Heaven" and "Domino dancing". I even listened to samples of what I thought was ALL their songs (no easy feat, since they made a LOT of crap). But lo' and behold, on a European search engine I was finally able to come up with:
It is so weird that you happened to be looking for this particular Bananarama song. I grew up in Europe (thank God!) and remember all of the songs from my youth by name and artist (I love music and films!)and I recently downloaded a compilation album specifically for this song and a Mel & Kim song. I knew I liked you.
ReplyDeleteYou mentioned the US not having starving people on the streets, but I'd like to point out that they definitely exist where I live in the US.
Last but not least, I saw a link to this very blog on another blog, and it arrested me due to the follwing, and I quote; "95% bareback, the mention of condoms is just for show!" Your blog shows that you have a very dry sense of humour and I was pretty much going to chalk that comment up to that fact. I am left wondering, however, if there is any truth to it, though.
LOL! You said "Mel and Kim"; two names I have not said nor heard together since I bought their album back in 1989 ("Respectable" is my favourite song from it). You have a lot of subject matter in that post, so it's probably best to email me rather than go into detail in these comments boxes.
ReplyDeleteNot only did I know that you would get the Mel & Kim reference (everyone loves "Respectable" & "Showing Out"), but I figured you would get a kick out of it, as well.
I didn't realise how much I actually touched on until I re-read the post above. Sorry about that. I hope I didn't offend as that was not my intention. I was curious as are, I am certain, the rest of your readers. I fully intend to take you up on your offer of e-mailing you directly, though.
What nationality are you SK? Just curious, so you know you can search European search engines from the U.S. right? Not sure if you knew that but it's true AND thanks to this post, I'm going to do that right now and look for songs I've never found using U.S. search engines! Thanks for the heads up! TGD
ReplyDeleteThanks, TGD. I did know that, but I guess I left out that a lot of European content is restricted in the US (and vice versa). So, there's the search element but also the component of being able to play whatever you find as well. Best of luck in your searches; it really is gratifying.