Yeah...we've all been there. But this post isn't about me. I mentioned awhile back how Guido has been constantly asking when I'm going to make it back to Chicago to visit him. The fact is, I don't like Chicago and if I went it would only be a) for work/business or b) solely because of him, which is a very risky reason to plan a vacation of that magnitude, so I've been holding off.

I noticed our conversations were getting more and more dour. Meaning Guido was constantly saying how bad his life sucks, since his job pays so little, he doesn't like where he lives, he doesn't have any social life etc. Anytime I try to make a suggestion like going back to school, looking for jobs, joining some type of social activity, it's always shot down with "you just don't understand. I'm stuck." Classic depression. And then, last night after reminding how I had painstakingly sent him some new pics of me, he finally broke down and sent some on the spot:

Before anyone thinks I'm being shallow, keep in mind I like a WIDE range of body types. I'm just showing the before and after to stress a point; this boy is in severe throws of depression. He let himself go in so many ways (not showing his face pics so you'll have to take my word here). You can tell he's drinking a LOT. This was in a sense good for me to see so I don't obsess about making a trip to see him anymore. Not because I'm not interested, but just because I know it would not be a good time. I've been depressed before, and I've helped many of my friends through it as well. But it's not fun for any of the parties involved. And in Guido's case, there's only so much I could do if I were there for a few days (he's told me repeatedly he wouldn't be able to take off work) and even less I can do for him long distance. All I can do is continue to be a friend to him and give him my moral support. Depression sucks.
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