1. Kev-bo - the economic turn-down would have distroyed or disheartened a lesser man. But not my Kev-bo, who has proven more resilient, resourceful and tallented than an Israeli car-stereo salesman who's fleamarket has just been turned into a strip-mall (maybe a bit esoteric, but if you live in California you'd get it). Kev-bo's been out here since I've been back, but because he's such a buzy boy we didn't get to meet up. I'm hoping to do so on his next trip, OR if I can manage another trip up there to Montreal.
2. Boybitch - although I have gotten constant emails/IM's and phone texts, I haven't reached out to grab that particular brass-ring yet, mostly because he requires too much of my energy and I am still in relaxation mode. But I'll keep that one in my pocket for a rainy day.
3. Houston - turned out to be a bit flakey himself. I will always be grateful for his help during my last move. But I don't like flakiness. If he shows he has improved, I may meet up with him while I'm back. Undecided still.
4. OX - Although he emails me like a lost puppy looking for his master, I finally responded to him telling him I was in Europe with no plans of returning. This kept him quiet. I may have pitty on him at some point in the future.
5. Squid - Looking good, but physically not doing so well (big-boy problems). He's promised he'll take the long-ranger for a ride once evrerything settles, and I will absolutely hold him to that.
6 Twink - AWOL
7. Chef - for a few reasons we have become pretty close. He got really close to me as I was about to leave (as did many friends and "bones") and I thought it was just so they would have someone to visit "over there" (I grew to hate that phrase, "I'll have to come out and visit you" and I'd be like, "Um...or you can get your lazy ass out of bed and visit me while I'm here..."). Anyway, he's doing very well in his job and life. Finally going back to the gym and getting a VERY nice ass in the process.
8. Longbone - We have been in email contact and as a result I was able to schedule my first bone back in the USSA (yes, I added the extra S fo socialism) with him and it was GREAT. Don't believe me?

Well, that's it for now. Much more to come when the jet-lag settles.
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