Since I was coming off a gym-high I thought my brawniness would be put to waste had I not used it on some guy who wanted his hole to be pounded. So, I did get online and met with a guy who has an uncanny resemblance to Bull (RIP). It was really odd. He has a lot more personality than Bull, but his features, build and facial expression were right on the money. Fucking his beautiful white ass/pink hole was at first weird, but maybe cathartic/therapeutic. I got off two rounds in his hole. Then even saw him the last day I was up in SF for a "quick one".

I also had been talking to a friend of Red for about a month now who lives up in SF (he's a pretty hot, built guy who looks like a young Jeremy Piven with a full head of hair). He says he's straight, lives with a girlfriend and thought I'd be fun to hang with sometime. So, since I've boned Red a few times, I had a mild suspicion here. This was confirmed when we made a plan to go out while I was in SF; he stopped by my hotel room and immediately asked if he could use the shower. "Sure." I said, then about 1o minutes in, he started asking me inaudible things, until I had to go into the bathroom to hear him. He opened the shower and said, "my arms are really sore from my last workout, can you do me a big favor and soap my back for me? I promise I'll make it up to you, dude."

And there it began. I pealed off my clothes, got in, soaped his back and after lightly messing around in the shower, we ended up on the hotel room bed with me fucking him "around the world". He was a hot fuck, and after I pounded my load out, he asked me, "is it OK if I cum now, dude?" I nodded, and he jacked his cock off. Pretty hot there. But immediatly afterwards he started to get dressed, saying how he didn't plan this, how this just happened, how he's straight and has a girlfriend who lives with him etc. Yeah, yeah yeah. Nice try.
Yesterday, I finally got to see Sven, his cat and bird and his weird roommate (really could have done without that one). We went out for Indian food and it was REALLY good to catch up with the boy. Need to do that more often.
Also, I found out that DJ and A are no longer together. The story is that A got swooped-up by some shallow party-dude who models for a trendy online gay site (the "latest thing") devoted to nightlife in SF. DJ was devastated and went on his usual tirade, dragging A's name around the internet and going for the juggular with him (DJ has the ability to pick out the weak-spots in a person and use it against them when necessary to cause maximum damage). So, I CAN say I think it's definitely for the best that A isn't with DJ anymore, but from what it looks like, his new choice in boyfriends is not going to be eliminating drama...just postponing it for awhile. Eh....A. Whaddyagonnado?
This weekend I am hyper-focusing on getting my house in order and packing for my trip back to Europe for the holidays. This will most likely be my last post (at least from the US). So, Merry Christmas, Chappy Channukah and whatever the hell else you wanna throw in there.
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