
The first guy was what I cannot describe in any other way than a "dumb hick" from Texas. So dumb that I was almost in love. He had a very nice body, cute face, fat 8" dick and as you can see, a tight pink hole. He had a very pronounced slow southern drawl ("iyus sayun francisco anywhere near sayun deeyaygo? Ahm supposed tuh visit sum frayunds there if ah cayun") which made his "fuck me"s so HOT. This boy really took it like a champ. He's in town for another week, but very closeted and I'm hoping to hit it at least one more time before he leaves. White trash is always at the top of my list when it comes to sex. Keep your Brazilians.
The second guy was actually someone I've fucked before about 3 years ago. He was back in town and asked if I wanted to come over for a quick fuck, and of course I obliged. This guy is actually odd because he is actually severely handicapped. If you saw him walking, you'd notice this immediately (he has to use a brace). But lying in bed (which is how he always wants to start) you would never know. His body is perfectly proportioned, and he has a long dick and bubble-butt ass. It's only if you look closely at his feet that you see he's hobbled as it were. But honestly, he is one hot fuck, so that never is an issue with me.
So, I just finished reading a book called "Outliers" (for those of you who have read it already, yes, I know I'm very behind. And for those of you who haven't, I can't recommend it enough). The premise is that there is a formula or equation to success, and some of the factors are in your control (like talent, dedication, practice etc) while others are not (i.e. when you were born, cultural factors, parental nurturing etc). While it is easy to read it and say, "oh, well this explains why I'm not a billionaire. I never stood a chance." I don't believe that's the purpose. I think it should inspire everyone to look at any situation critically and statistically to see what side of the equation needs augmenting or lessening. Here's how I'm gonna apply this; say I want to get laid (which is unfortunately pretty much a constant). I have a few options; 1) find a steady boyfriend who will thusly be semi-obligated to have sex with me 2) proactively seek a (willing) sex partner 3) passively wait for someone to reach out to me for sex 4) pay for sex (I'll label this "unwilling" because you need some coercive factor here; i.e. money). Assuming I am attached to the outcome of getting laid, I then have to determine which of these options will bring me the highest probability of success as well as the other factors which are needed in order to increase that probability. Anyway, I hate to say it, but statistics really does play very heavily into anyone's sex-life, as un-sexy as that sounds.
Lastly, I know it's been over a year since my crack-head ex was supposed to receive the intervention. And since then, as I mentioned, his enabler has kicked-the-bucket, leaving him to ponder his place in the universe. He may actually be at the point where he can and will accept help. His other ex, OL (Oompa-Loompa) has been feeding me info and hinting he wants to get him into a program run by someone he knows. The weird thing is, I have been helping OL (my ex's ex) relocate up to northern California most likely because a) I'm a very cool guy but also b) I think deep down I have a need to be the "savior" at times, and by helping OL I think I've been vicariously helping my crack-head ex. I dunno. Anyway, I'll be traveling back to Europe for the holidays in a week, so when I get back, I may take this on as a project. Haven't decided. So, this will be my penultimate post before my trip. I hope everyone as a great week ahead.
"White trash is always at the top of my list when it comes to sex. Keep your Brazilians."
ReplyDeletebest line i've read in a while. laughed out loud for real.
safe travels, SK. always read your posts, even if i don't get to comment. i'll check that book out, sounds interesting.
It's funny cuz it's true... : P
ReplyDeleteYup, you totally nailed it (no pun intended).