This weekend was Dore Alley, and there were a lot of factors in my decison to NOT go this year; family visiting, accompanying friends unavailable and basic apathy. Although 9 times out of 10 I can manage to find a nice ass to fuck somewhere there, I'm coming to the conclusion that a) it's just too much trouble for the "return" and b) I'm really just trying to relive the first time I went 6 years ago and got laid there. The fact is, that first time I totally didn't plan to get laid, but ended up standing behind an extremely cute blond kid in his early 20's with his bubble-butt hanging out of his assless chaps. He was already pretty drunk, and although I had never done this before, I casually suggested doing some naughty things with his ass and we ended up fucking in the portables. This was probably one of the top 5 hottest experiences of my life. And like I said, even though I have gotten lucky there many times since, NOTHING has ever come close to this experience. So, I think I've come to the realization that I don't need to go to Dore anymore as I'm really just chasing the dragon there.
The cool thing is that day I ended up meeting a VERY hot Latin dude who looks like Benjamin Bratt with a shaved head (yup, gonna call him Ben). Ben lives walking distance from my place in a very SWANK condo (not his, he has a roomate). Kinda still crushing on this one, so I'm gonna keep the details here simple: when we got our clothes off, Ben was a fucking MASTERPIECE to look at. His body is chiseled like a statue. He's currently a realtor, but is very obviously a former cholo as both his arms and his back are covered in very artistic but simple ink tatoos. I asked him, "did you get those in or out?" and he looked at me puzzled and said "what do you mean?" So, he hasn't been to prison (or at least he's pretending he hasn't). He was very cute while we were having sex, and asked me during and after if we were going to do it again (I said yes).
Friday night, I was extremely close to having blue-balls. I set a time later in the eve with a hook-up who flaked (aaaaaaaand he's out) which meant that around 11pm I had very few options. I ended up putting an ad on craigslist (this shows you how low I had sunk), and even THEN, the "bites" were very few, most likely due to all the activities going on up in SF due to Dore alley weekend. I finally got hit up by someone I had fucked around 3 years ago; blond, ripped white dude in his early 30's. Now, before I go into our exchange, I have to preface this by saying 2007 was a very strange year for me; I went through 4 career changes, bought a "new" house (the one I'm in now), traveled to 9 countries (the most I'd ever done in 1 year), and for some reason was the most overweight I'd ever been in my life (not obese, but definitely about 15lbs overweight, and it was all in my stomach/sides). So, after we exchanged initial emails with my pics, the IM's went as follows:
Him: we hooked up before. Those must be some really old pics
ME: Really? I dont recognize yours. But actually my pics were taken at the gym 2 weeks ago.
Him: huh? U shure? You were definitely a lot heavier back then.
ME: Am I sure the pictures were taken at the gym 2 weeks ago? yes. I was right there when I took them. How long ago did we meet?
Him: a few years ago. You were just moving in or something.
ME: Ah. yup, now I remember. You work for XXXXXXXX
Him: yeah. still there. Well, you can come over if those are really your recent pics. I'm on XXXXXXXXXXX
So, I went over to his place and while his face hadn't changed, his body was definitely nowhere near as toned as it had been (had some pretty pronounced love-handles). Now, I don't CARE about this-- it was just odd that he was such a fanatic body-nazi when he hadn't kept his up. It actually made me more confident knowing I was the hot one out of the two of us now, and I started off by making him pose for a couple of pics:

One part didn't change; he still has a HOT ass! DAYUM! I ended up mounting him from behind, then strattling on top of him while he was butts-up and fucking him up and down (I rarely do this, but like I said, I was feeling cocky). Then I got off him, roughly pulled him on his back, pushed his legs up, and rammed my cock in him (he was already loosened up, so I knew it wouldn't hurt him...too much). I commanded him to hold his legs up with his hands, and then I leaned back and positioned the long-ranger to hit his prostate directly on each stroke, his cock was rock hard. After about 30 seconds of that he let his legs down and held out his hand to stop and said, "wait!" "What's up?" I asked. He paused, then, "I don't know, it just felt weird." I just smirked, "dude, you were gonna cum. You never came without touching yourself before, right?" He looked at me puzzled, "no." I continued, "well, it's probably not gonna happen now. But next time, just go with it." Then I started pumping again, this time missionary until I pounded my load out. He came a few seconds later, and that was that. Would be nice to repeat as he's a nice fuck, but there's also something weird going on with him upstairs. So, not banking on it.
Now, on to my final topic. I don't know if I am the worlds #1 ass connoisseur, but I rank pretty high. Meaning, if there were an ass-judging contest, I'd be perfect for the panel (hint hint). And while some people never forget a face, I'm pretty much the same way with asses. So, the other day I'm online and see a party ad on adam4adam for "cum slut bottom taking loads all afternoon long" with just an ass pic-- which I recognized immediately. But I thought someone might have stolen the pic, so just to be sure, I created a fake account and asked if the "host" of this "party" had a face pic to send, and he did. Sure enough, it matched the ass-pic and was none other than Norseman. In retrospect, this explains SO MUCH.
See, personally, I'm a greedy top. A VERY greedy top. The thought of being surrounded by 6+ HOT bottom boys all bent over in a row vying for their "turn" with my cock, and then begging me to cum inside them while I'm fucking, while the others plead for me not to cum until they get their turn is the stuff that gives me endless nights of jack-off material. But the reverse; a bottom who wants 6+ guys to fuck him and cum inside him-- well, as a top this repulses me. A butt full of cum--MY cum-- is hot. But the thought of one of MY bottoms getting loaded up with someone else's cum just doesn't do it for me. Plus, to me there is something damaged about the idea of someone who just wants to have as much cum inside him as possible, REGARDLESS of who is doing the fucking. I just don't see anything sexy about a young kid getting loaded up by some geriatric furry whale squeeling effeminately.
So, in sum, I could definitely go for a cum-hungry bottom, provided he's hooked on MY cum. I've been seeing Billy pretty regularly (like 2+ nights a week) and if things were to work out with ANY guy on a steady relationship, I'd be loading him up regularly. But I guess there's a fine line between being a cum-hungry and cum-slut bottom. OK, I'm rambling now so gonna stop here.