First, a few months back I met up with a VERY hot guy I ended up fucking (and blogging about). Had an awesome time with him and I thought we really hit it off and was expecting a repeat but never heard back from him. I finally caught him online the other day and the exchange went like this:
ME: wassup? U up for another fuck tonite?
sfXXX: For your fucks...I need to mentally prepare...I don't know if there is enough time left for tonight..:)
ME: heh heh. you really don't need to overthink it : )
sfXXX: No just take the pain as it comes...Have you ever shoved a baseball bat up your ass...Over and over again? Try it and then tell me "don''t over think it." BUT THINKING ABOUT IT IS MAKING ME HOT.
ME: heh heh. anytime you want me to hit that spot just let me know
sfXXX: I'm tempted...
And that was it. Didn't happen. Doubtful it will again. If it does, great. Were my dick smaller, this would have been a non-issue. But in this example, having a larger dick effectively prevented me from being a steady fuck-bud of someone I was really attracted to. On to my next example. Almost a year ago I fucked this one guy who was a buffed former marine, very hot, and I have to admit, a very good fuck. Unfortunately, he turned out to be a major flake (and I think an alcoholic) so that was that. After he flaked I had to cut him off. Then, a few weeks ago...
FMRXXXX: Hey Suave Senor. I been thinking about you a lot lately. You been keeping your nose clean? LOL. Seriously, want me to come over? I'm free all evening. Would be hot to see you again.
ME: nah
FMRXXXX: Whatever retard. You think your hot but your really hella ugly. The only thing you got going for you is that dick. That's the only reason I wanted to go over anyway. Loser. Fuck you
OK, seriously, I know I'm hot to a lot of guys so I don't need self-validation. But his comment literally hit below the belt. And to drive the point home, this prick messaged me just today:
FMRXXXX: I miss your dick
The irony here is when I checked his pictures,

Now, here's where things get sadistic: "Haley", the kid I hooked up with a few months back has now come back into the picture now that he has sprouted pubes so to speak. Since I've come back from my trip, we hooked up twice and he's really been hinting to me that he wants to share a bottom with me since I won't bottom for him. Haley's really into this whole big brother thing with me and will do pretty much anything or anyone I tell him. He just wants to WATCH me fuck someone and then fuck them afterwards like a good pupil. I was actually thinking I could invite this drunk loser over to share with Haley and shred every last verneer of dignity he has. How? By just using his ass and mouth like a CPR dummy with no thought to his pleasure or even presence. I'd be talking to Haley the whole time and saying things like, "When the ass is flabby like this, you just have to spread the cheeks apart and move this way" or "see, doggie is best so you don't have to see his face and you can just think of whoever you want" and maybe right when we're finished say to Haley, "sorry for this, li'l bro. He was all I could get on short notice. Next time I promise we'll find someone good enough to do in the daylight." Yeah, I know some guys out there are probably cumming in their pants at the thought of being abused like this. But the guy in question is a former Marine and used to being treated like royalty, so that's the point here. We'll see if I decide to go this route.
So, to recap, the downside of having a large dick is you will hear "I'm totally in love with that cock", "that cock feels awesome", and "I could have that cock in my all night" WAY more than you'll ever hear "I'm totally in love with you", "you are awesome", and "I could be around you all night". Aaaaand, you can't get underwear that fits for under $30 (and you can't wear boxers with dress-pants). And you have to hold your dick when you sit on the toilet so it doesn't get wet (I thought everyone did this until just a few years ago) and you can't wear a jock-strap without getting major blue-balls. And you have to hold yourself when you sit down when nekked so you don't accidentally sit on it (not fun). Eh, whatever.
Lastly, I've been seeing the 19-year-old big-dicked kid as well. He's really cool, but definitely young. Also, he's a great fuck and really enjoys it (stays hard throughout), but addicted to porn and so he never cums while being fucked (he can only cum while sitting in front of the computer jacking off). I was thinking of taking him to Bull's 4th of July party next weekend, but thought better of it since a) I'll be wanting to bone down with any number of unsuspecting prey there and b) it's not very savory, as there are a lot of guys doing drugs and I'd rather not expose this kid to that. With that, it's off to another nightly battle against my jet-lag.
i'm ex Navy so i dislike Marines, so go for it. ha.
ReplyDeletei've been reading your blog for a while, but didn't quite realize you were sporting such a monster. i'll have to catch up on the archives.
this isn't totally analagous, but i used to have a FB years ago that was truly model/GQ drop dead gorgeous. flawless face, body, cock, ass, you name it. but also one of the most unpretentious guys i've ever known. truly humble, kind, charitable, fairly religious, and just the nicest guy.
we hooked up a couple of times, then became friends, although we still had fun in bed at times. he was about 10 years younger than me, and i think that age difference kept a romantic attachment from developing. but one of the things he complained about was how guys wanted to use him for sex because of his looks, and then that was it. if he tried dating without putting out up front, the other guys would drop him. you get the picture. his good looks, while most would think it would be advantageous, amounted to being the manner in which the shallowness of a lot of men showed forth.
there also seems to be a theme developing with younger guys that look up to you and want that big bro relationship. hopefully that counts for something.
Hey, 'sup, Joey? I can absolutely sympathize with what you said about your friend. There are a lot of users out there who are into guys with big dicks/good looks/youth/money/status etc and will just take what they want. That's how it's been forever. Sometimes it's symbiotic (i.e. when I want to get laid, all the better of the other guy is looking for a big dick), but symbiotic doesn't mean there will be anything deeper than a quick fuck.
ReplyDeleteAs for younger guys, I just had a conversation with a friend of mine about that at lunch. I WISH I could find more guys my age who are available. But it seems like there are only very young guys around these days. And if we end up having sex, I always try and treat them decently, because I remember how it was for me at that age, and how grateful I would have been if someone had "shown me the ropes" so to speak. I guess I just don't want to be responsible for creating the next Andrew Cunanan ; P
interesting, as around here, younger guys rarely go for guys over 30, maybe up to 35. if you're 40, you're past it. ha. add that to the absence of any quality guys around my age, and it really makes it difficult to get laid.
ReplyDeleteI hear you. Although (and not bragging here) getting laid around the SF area is not at all difficult. But quality...well...