I didn't mention this before, but I'm about 10 lbs underweight (well, under what I WANT to weigh) since I've been back from Europe. This ALWAYS happens when I'm there for longer than a week, since a) I don't get to go to the gym there (just do 100+ push-ups a day) and b) the food there just does not stick to you (plus the portions are a lot smaller than in the US). Anyone wanting to lose weight should definitely try living there for a month. Anyway, as I'm feeling mighty scrawny, I've been hitting the gym regularly, and tonite was no exception. I'm still not lifting the same amount as before I left, but hopefully by next week I'll at least be on my regular routine, and maybe a week after that back to the weight/tone I want to be.
After I got home, I got hit up by the same fuck bud I was in Orlando with last year. I had not seen him since a month after that trip, which often happens with him. He's Filipino-American (aka a Flam), buffed, 34, a ju-jitsu contender and very masculine. As such, his crowd is mostly straight and he has a tendency of falling off the end of the world for long periods of time. I have grown to accept this and don't take it personal. So, when he hit me up again this eve, I let him come over for SEVERAL deep fucks. He lets me do anything I want to him, and I absolutely do. The only thing I don't like is if I fuck him missionary, when I'm about to cum he always commands me to smile (not my natural facial expression in climax mode). So, anyway, here's an exercise for you, my loyal viewers:

These are actually two separates asses -- one is the Mexican guy I fucked Friday, and the other one is the Flam. Can you tell which one is which? I can...cuz I was inside both of them (mmmm-MMMMMM, Beeyotch!)
So, this year's catch-phrase is "Livin' like a lizard--fast and smooth." Oddly, a phrase I use often at work "just among us chickens" (since I don't like when men use "just between us girls") has caught on and is being used at the highest levels of my company now. And speaking of words, here's one for your brainy dictionaries (assuming it's not there already): malleability. This word has several connotations, but the one I'm referring to is the propensity to be shaped, plied or controlled by something else. Why am I bringing this up? Because ever since my ex visited me, HIS ex, OL caught wind of it and has been calling me and leaving message after message. I finally picked up and essentially he just wanted to stir the pot and find out any/all info on my ex.
I was very tight-lipped, which only made him try harder by recounting story after story, annecdote after annecdote about my ex in every gory detail. This only confirmed what I had long suspected; this guy is a sleaze. He loves being the victim and the hero of every story, but unbeknownst to him, my ex told the same stories from the opposite side. Somewhere in the middle of course is the truth, but no hero or victim to be found. What I was able to learn/triangulate from these stories, is OL is not only an enabler, but my take is that despite his moaning and toll of woe for my ex being a drug-user, OL actually prefered him like this. Why? Malleability. My ex is definitely a smart guy, incredibly smart. And strong willed. My guess is he was much more malleable while on drugs to OL, who guided him into that world to begin with over a decade ago. Anyway, when he realized he wasn't going to get any new fodder about my/our ex, he ended his tirade telling me he will be going into colon surgery this weekend. Do I need to say how appropriate this is?
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