Friday, May 20, 2011

Too young to settle down

A very heart-filled "sup??" to everyone out there. And my apologies for not blogging sooner as I said I would. First, I have to say thank you to everyone who has been emailing me...yes, I'm doing great. But one thing that has been coming up in emails over and over is "you are too young to settle down". Considering I'm technically old enough to be a grandfather in any 3rd world country, that doesn't really make sense to me. I think the hidden message there was "you can still get sex when you want why do you WANT to settle down?" And the answer is, the guy I am with is totally worth it. In the 3 months we've been together he's kicked a 15-year drug habit, become "self-aware" (i.e. that he's not the only person on the planet), "washed up" (he'd gone a decade without giving too much thought in hygiene) and rejoined the work-force in a very high-paying job. He always had it in him...he just didn't have anyone to do it for. And while there was a week after the first month he moved up here when it could have gone either way (we had a huge blow-out fight), we are now extremely close and I am the happiest I've ever been in my life. And that says a lot.

I do want to say this: my job has currently taken me to Mexico City, and while I am not partaking in any shennanigans, they are EVERYWHERE to be had. I didn't get to visit my friend at Casa Cupula in Puerto Vallarta, since I'm here on business. But since my hotel is near Metro Hidalgo, pretty much every time I walk down the street I get "the look" from 5 - 10 guys. I was almost tempted to go to Baños Minas, one of the most sleazy, dank and CRUISY baths in Mexico just for old time's sake. But angel on my shoulder reminded me of what was waiting for me back home. But hey...if anyone else wants to go, I would HIGHLY recommend it. And Mexico is not at all as dangerous or unhealthy as the papers make it out to be. Anyway, since I'm not going to write about the INCREDIBLE sex I get to have now with my bestest bud, I'll wrap up here. I hope the best for everyone and will try to drop in from time to time.

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