As you kinda gathered from my last post (and pictures), I've been hitting the boning pretty hard now that I'm back on the market. Not only have I been getting easy access to my former harem (the ones that weren't bitter about me
being in a relationship that didn't involve THEM) but I found another site with a complely NEW source of ass to tap into (literally). So, I've been averaging getting laid 2 -3 times a day. And the long-ranger seems to be a force of nature; every time I take my cock out of my pants, sweats or shorts with the intention of using it, it just seems to stand at full attention without so much as touching it. No doubt about size going on these days. Maybe it's just the confidence level. Anyway, here's an example:
I met this latin, toned kid who looks like a darker Johny Depp (circa 1988) back around 8 years ago:

A fuck-bud of mine (total DL cholo/shaved head, tatoos with a python-long dick, let's call him "Duke") who used to come over my place told me about him and how much of a good fuck he was. I suggested he call him up to see if he was available and would like a 3-way. My fuck-bud obliged and within a couple hours me and the cholo were taking turns on this kid's ass (he was 18 at the time, but apparently my fuck-bud had been boning him even from 2 years earlier...lucky fuck). Anyway, he saw me online and said he was staying at a hotel near me and asked if I wanted to come over. I did, and while he got a little hairier at 26 years old, he was still very fun to fuck. When I showed up, he was very casual; asking me how I've been while pulling my dick out, putting on the profo and lubing me up. I bent him over, snapped some pics, ate out his hole for a minute or so (nice!) then asked him, "so, U heard from "Duke"?" The kid said, "who?" I responded, "you remember how we met? You came over to my place..." Just then I pushed my dick inside him and started fucking wildly; no mercy "...we both took turns fucking your hole like I'm doing now." He started bucking a little and whined, "you're so big! be careful!" I continued, almost mechanically and continued the conversation as if I were casually washing dishes or something, "you used to like it when we fucked you. You even sat on his dick and I slid mine inside you from behind. Between both of us your hole got pretty stretched out." His response, "I'm gonna cum!" I just kept fucking him doggie-style while he grabbed his dick and came. I asked, "want me to do it on top of you for a little?" He said, "no, it's starting to hurt now." Fuck that shit! I pushed my weight onto him so he fell chest-down on the bed then just pumped him until I could get my dick off. And hells yeah, I did. The punch-line is this kid didn't even remember "Duke" at all. Sad fact is, I would have really liked to hear from him, but since about 5 years ago he seems to have fallen off the face of the earth.
Later in the week on the "new" site I was talking about, I hooked-up with a VERY hot 20-year old kid, dark-hair, VERY smooth...and yeah, that includes his hole:

After I got his hole wet (he loved it, so did I) I ended up taking him "around the world". His favorite (and mine) was missionary. I spent a good 10 minutes pounding his hole like that, asking "are you getting close" about every couple of minutes (his answer: "No, keep fucking me!"). Finally, I just needed to cum (he was my 3rd that day and my balls were actually getting tired). After I pounded a load out, he commanded, "let me suck it!" I obliged him for a couple minutes as he jacked-off wildly, thinking he'd come soon enough. But minutes went by and my dick was starting to feel pretty sensitive. I stepped away as my cock flopped out of his mouth and said, "OK, dude. Clean-up time" then went to wash up in the bathroom. Did I lose my chance for a round 2 in his ass later? Maybe.
But this brings me to my point: I was getting to a place where a fuck was a fuck. This kid was VERY hot; a 9 out of 10. But at that time, he was just "Fuck #3" that day, so I probably didn't give him the attention he deserved. And I was thinking, what if I've only got a set amount of testosterone left? What if after I use it up, it's gone? Anyway, I'm going to cut back to a few days a week, and see what the effect of keeping the long-ranger hungry has. Definitely not stopping the boning, just gonna space it out a bit. I'll let you know how it works out.